Saturday, 6 October 2012

I wish suicide would just commit suicide.

Suicide. Why? Why do people do it? Why is it even a part of our lives?

To be honest, I hate it when I come onto Facebook, and I see on my newsfeed that my friends liked a "R.I.P (insert name here)" page where the person mentioned committed suicide. I'm sorry if it sounds harsh, but I just don't like it. No disrespect intended.

It's just... WHY?!?! Out of all solutions in the world you could have chosen, you chose the solution that should have been a last resort.... on second thought, IT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A RESORT AT ALL!!!

But what hurts me the most is when the victim(s) of suicide hit close to home, and you find out that they were once a part of your lives.

I really dislike the fact that people who are going through something big, or they are extremely depressed would just decide on the spot that they just want to end their own lives. It's really unfair to not only themselves, but to everyone that's ever cared about them.

We have:

You could have gone to one of the groups mentioned on this short list and they would have HELPED YOU THROUGH IT.

It's quite disturbing to see that the number of young teenagers taking their own lives are starting to increase. I find it quite disturbing that even the smallest things such as 'cutting' may be a small step towards suicide. And this saddens me very much.

I care about people. Everyone deserves to live. Suicide is just self-murder; it's a sin on it's own. I just hate it when I find out that someone has committed suicide just because they were depressed or going through problems.

Seek help. You seriously need it. Seek it, seek it, SEEK IT! Give yourself a chance. Don't you think about what would happen to those that care about you when you take your own life? It's really unfair on them if you just up and leave.. permanently.. without so much as a 'goodbye'. Instead you say your last few words on a piece of paper. Your suicide note.

Suicide is not cool, at all.

So please. If you're reading this and you're thinking of taking your own life or even doing the smallest thing like cutting; Just stop. Give yourself a chance.
I wish suicide would just commit suicide.

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